Committee Nominees for 2023

Click name to see nominee application form.

Thomas Newman -Treasurer

Pat Healy - Club Secretary

Sue Foster - Membership Secretary

Chris LeMay - Bowls Captain

Jean-Louis Batt - Pétanque Captain

Ray McKillop - Committee Member

Amanda Grender - Committee Member

Notice Board

Official Bowls Green closure weekend - 30th Sept 2023
The Bowls Green official closure is planned for this weekend. An extension to this date will be dependent on the weather and the greenkeeper's decision to extend or not the closure for a further week.
Ukraine Appeal   25 Sept – 1 Oct 2023


I have attached the same list as last time, please add to your donations anything else that you feel would be suitable.

The aim is to have the Ukranians collect from the bowling club on: Sunday afternoon, 1st October, 2023.

Donations can be left in the Men's Cloakroom any time during the week starting 25th September, 2023 except the evening of Thurs. 28th Sept. As there is a "Special General meeting".

For anyone who needs help getting donations to the Club, or with access, please contact me: Eliz Hurt - 07969 191127 

 Thanks in anticipation,



Children's winter and summer clothes, shoes & boots, rain wear

Adult - winter and summer clothes, shoes & boots, rain wear.

Bed Linen:
 Sheets & pillow cases
, Duvets
, Sleeping bags
, Blankets & throws

 Toothpaste & Brushes, 
Shampoo, Sanitary products

Craft Stuff:
 Knitting needles
, Crochet Hooks, 
, threads
, sewing kits
, scissors
, fabric,

Kitchen stuff: 
Dish cloths, 
Tea towels
, Pegs

Suitable books: 
Children's books

Adult's novels and classics

 Small tools - trowel & fork
, Hose heads, 
Seeds (vegetables and flowers)

Baby clothes and paraphernalia. 




 Looking forward to your response and hope this gives enough time.

Many thanks

Eliz Hurt.  -  


Bowls News

Official Bowls Green closure weekend - 30th Sept 2023
The Bowls Green official closure is planned for this weekend. An extension to this date will be dependent on the weather and the greenkeeper's decision to extend or not the closure for a further week.
Middlesex Competitions 2024!
It’s time to enter for next year’s competitions. Contact Johanna for more details.
Bowlers meeting 8 October 2023 at 12.00
We need to re-distribute the various tasks which enable us to play bowls, compete and welcome new members and visitors. Johanna has done a list which you can download here. If ten bowlers took on one task each it would be easy. Let's have a drink and discuss it. All bowlers and other members welcome.


The Club welcomes all new and experienced bowlers who wish to try out or continue participation in this great sport.

The Bowling season is from mid April to the end of September and Members can access the green at any time during those months. Competitive and friendly matches against other Clubs take place during the week.

During the season new bowlers will be given free coaching from experienced players and then they can continue to improve at their own pace.

Flat soled shoes must be worn on the green. For casual ‘roll ups’ there is no dress code and you can bowl barefoot. The Club will provide bowls (woods) for new players trying out the sport.

If you’d like to find out more about bowling please contact: